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Silvio Gulizia
Silvio Gulizia

Ecco una sintesi dell’approccio alla sperimentazione contenuto nel rapporto sull’innovazione del New York Times, da cui sto traendo alcuni spunti per il mio intervento al prossimo Festival della Comunicazione.

  • Launch efforts quickly, then iterate. […] we can adopt the “minimal viable product” model […]
  • Set goals and track progress.
  • We must reward people who show initiative, even when their experiments fail.
  • No project should be declared a success, or shuttered, without a de- brief on what we’ve learned.
  • [dobbiamo essre] quicker and smarter about pulling resources from efforts that aren’t working..
  • Plan for “version 2.0” and beyond.
  • Make it easier to launch an experiment than to block one.

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Apprendista Jedi. Life hacker. Scrittore.