LinkedIn ridisegnato per essere un po' più come Facebook
Ecco la nuova grafica di LinkedIn:
Napier Lopez riassume così su The Next Web le novità:
- Large icons at the top of the site for easier navigation.
- Facebook-like chat windows that are persistent no matter where you are on linked in.
- LinkedIn will encourage conversations on its site by suggesting people to chat with if you have a connection at a company.
- The feed has been fine-tuned with a combination of algorithm and humans. The company promises new ways for reading about specific topics you care about too.
- A single universal search bar for everything across the site (as opposed to a different one for each section).
- Insights on who’s reading the content you share.
- More suggestions on how to tidy up your profile.
Praticamente, LinkedIn vuole assomigliare a Facebook per cercare di tenerci dentro di più. E se, con tutto il rumore che c’è su Facebook, LinkedIn fosse davvero meglio di Facebook?
Crescita personale e life hack
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