I software di intelligenza artificiale stanno imparando a creare migliori software di intelligenza artificiale

Tom Simonite su MIT Technology Review:

Progress in artificial intelligence causes some people to worry that software will take jobs such as driving trucks away from humans. Now leading researchers are finding that they can make software that can learn to do one of the trickiest parts of their own jobs—the task of designing machine-learning software.

In pratica, Google e altre aziende impegnate nella ricerca sull’intelligenza artificiale pensano già di sostituire gli esseri umani con le macchine anche nel campo in cui gli esseri umani dovrebbero essere unici: pensare, creare e imparare.

In recent months several other groups have also reported progress on getting learning software to make learning software. They include researchers at the nonprofit research institute OpenAI (which was cofounded by Elon Musk), MIT, the University of California, Berkeley, and Google’s other artificial intelligence research group, DeepMind.

Questa tecnologia oggi costa un sacco di quattrini, ma presto le cose potrebbero cambiare:

[…] MIT colleagues plan to open-source the software behind their own experiments, in which learning software designed deep-learning systems that matched human-crafted ones on standard tests for object recognition.

A chi non avesse letto il racconto di Isaac Asimov L’ultima domanda consiglio di spendere 15 minuti in questa lettura per capire in che direzione stiamo andando (chissà se avremo mai un Multivac).